1. Select the tab Questions
  2. Then, select your desired question type or element under the New on the right working panel
  3. Click on the question card to edit question and answer settings on the right working panel

What are the question types and elements available?

There are 6 types of elements.

Ranking Question

Respondents select their preferred options from a list of options in order of preference

Example Scenario: I want to know the top 3 choices of CCAs under the Performing Arts category.

Free Text Question

Respondents give information with free text.

Character limit can be set. For unlimited length of response, enter 0 in the field

Example Scenario: I want the respondent to elaborate on a choice made in a previous question.

Multiple Choice

Respondents select a single option out of a list of options

Example Scenario: I want to know a single choice of CCA under this category.